Value for Your Investment

We are often asked about the value of the products we represent from Wiley – specifically Everything DiSC.  Price is important and you need to know the value of your investment.

In January 2020 there will be a price increase from Wiley. The publisher made clear that these price increases ensure that they are able to continue to innovate and create the most engaging and effective assessment-based training programs available.

Since the last price increase, Wiley released the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict profile, an enhanced version of the Workplace Facilitation Kit and a new online training center.  More recently, we have:

1. A new Emotional Intelligence Profile using DiSC (in beta)

2. The Five Behaviors Personal Development Profile (available now!)

3. Culture Catalyst modular training system (in beta)

4. Everything DiSC Management Certification (in beta)

Sample Five Behaviors Personal Development Profile
Sample Beta Agile EQ Report

Everything DiSC Provides More

Unlimited Comparison Reports to support the development of solid workplace relationship strategies.

Customer Interaction Maps to help sales people understand the hidden needs of their prospects and customers.

A personal portal called MyEverythingDiSC which brings the power of DiSC onto a smart phone for daily application.

Facilitator Supplements to make sure your participants understand their uniqueness.

Adaptive testing to increase the reliability and personalization of each assessment.

All included in the price of your profile!!!

Our Added Value

1. Access to our on-demand, train-the-trainers for all the Everything DiSC facilitation kits that include additional activities we’ve designed and facilitation tips (contact us for these materials)

2. Over 30-years Experience – we have developed many enhancements for these tools over the years which we share with you to ensure your training gets the results you need.

3. Our enhanced version of Wiley’s Everything DiSC Workplace Certification class, called DiSC Genius, which we are licensed to conduct, offered here in Lancaster.


Learn More at

We strive to add value to all of the tools that we provide. We believe that DiSC is more than just a profile – it can change lives and enhance organizational culture. We will continue to share our best practices and suggestions to help you make the most out of these tools, such as our follow-up activities for participants or teams following training.